Monday, November 17, 2014

A very "Casual Elsa" Costume

We teachers are always encouraged to dress up in costume at school for Halloween, so this year I decided to go with every little girl's favorite princess of the year, Elsa.  It was pretty last minute and I wanted to make sure I was comfortable, so I came up with this one.  I believe I purchased the hoodie and dress a while back at Target-- Elsa is all about the makeup and hair, so I spent some time on the eye shadow and threw on a cute blonde wig.  I added a snowflake ornament to one of my earrings to get the point across.  Not bad, eh?

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Custom Made Egyptian God & Goddess Costumes

Handmade Egyptian Inspired God & Goddess Costumes 

Egyptian God & Goddess Accessories

My Costume (the Egyptian Goddess):
The dress itself was a silk nightgown that I found at the thrift store. I found some cool gadgets and trinkets in the household section of a thrift shop, such as this awesome brass cat head that I used on my headband (since cats were sacred sacred to them).  I just wired it onto a headband with some jewelry wire.  My belt was a gold scarf, and I made necklace out of a strand of some decorative Holiday Icicles for Christmas trees!  Christmas ornaments make for great accessories.  My hair was just a wig from a beauty hair shop. I used blue and gold eye shadow along with black liquid eye liner to extend my cat eyes, and added my own jewelry that I had for the earrings and bracelet.  On my feet, I just wore tan sandals and painted my nails a gold color.

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Steampunk Fashion

While I am still learning to make my own corsets, I had to purchase this pretty blue one.  I  was at least able to make my own sleeves though.  

The great thing about steampunk is you can get creative and be as simple or as complex as you want.  For my costume, I had collected various found objects over time, such as jewelry pieces and leather belts, to create tools and gadgets. An old brown skirt was found at the thrift shop, and I added some ruffles to it.  To top it off, add some goggles and aviator hats to get the neo-Victorian pilot look.

Thanks for visiting!
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Flapper Film Star

Okay so flappers are an easy costume to throw together, but what's more fun is playing the part of a real flapper.  I chose Colleen Moore, a 1920s filmstar flapper who rocked the bobbed hair.

 So take a moment and watch old films or clips on the web and play the roll of a true flapper for the night.  

To learn more about Colleen more, here is a link to get you started: Colleen Moore

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Hoop Pirate

This was one of my few store bought costumes which was perfect for the Tour de Fat festival of 2012.  I did  however make the pirate hoop.

For you dance hoopers out there, just wrap some white electrical tape around a black PVC piping hoop.  

For those who are not familiar with making your own hoops and just want a cool pirate hoop, just buy black and white electrical tape and wrap it around a store-bought hoop.  Black and red would work, too.  

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Black Swan Style

This costume was pretty easy to throw together.  The hardest part is really the eyes, which wasn't so bad.

What I used to get the look:
-Black frilly skirt (a tutu will work, too)
-Black tank top
-Black tights/shoes
-White face paint blended all over face and neck (or a pale fundation/powder for a more subtle look)
-Eyes: Grey, black and silver Eye liners used to draw feathers around eyes.  The most important is to get a general outline and fill it in.  I got detailed, but it ended up blending all together anyway.
-Hair: Pull hair back into a bun like a ballerina, use feather headbands and add black feathers randomly with bobby pins.

Thanks for visiting.  I hope my ideas has given someone an idea on what to be this holiday season.  Please feel free to share, ask questions, or comment.  

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Falling Down the Rabbit Hole...

This costume was handmade and sewn together with various found material.  I won't get into detail, but it's easy to improvise if you make the time for it.  Some of my favorite features include the bunny ears and gloves which were made out of a fuzzy winter scarf and hat.  Also, I liked the idea of adding black mesh lace to the bottom of my dress along with black boots to give it a darker look. 

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